Microwaving the food

The absorption of microwave by a dielectric material results in the microwaves giving up their energy to the materials with a consequential rise in temperature. Food composition (mainly water content) is a key factor that determines how fast it will heat in a microwave environment.

Cooking food using a microwave oven is accomplished by setting an appropriate amount of time necessary for the waves to penetrate the food and cook it.

The most important advantages of microwave heating is that microwaves are capable of penetrating very deeply into certain materials heating extend within the entire food material, which result in very significant reductions in process heating times for drying, thawing, sterilization and so on.

There are limits to the depth of their penetration. The geometry of the food to be heated is an important consideration; conduction and convection may often take far longer to heat a given mass of food.

Microwaves generate heat due to their interactions with the food materials. The microwave radiation itself is non-ionizing radiation, distinctly different from ionizing radiation such as X-rays and gamma rays.

Heating foods evenly in a microwave oven is difficult at best, particularly with solid foods of different composition.

A major use of microwaves in the food industry is the tempering and thawing of frozen foods, especially meat, fish, butter and fruit.
Microwaving the food

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