Vacuum tumbling is a specialized process for marinating meet that results in the maximum saturation of the spices and brine into the meat.
Vacuum tumbling has become a popular process and the resulting meat products have become very desirable for both meat processors as well as consumers. This can be a huge time and money saver in a commercial kitchen environment — especially for Full-Service Restaurants, Hotels & Resorts, and Grocers who need to maximize labor without compromising service.
How it works? Vacuum Tumblers remove air from the barrel. When the air is evacuated it causes the fibers of the meat to pull apart, allowing the marinade penetrate to the food's core more quickly. The tumbling motion flips marinade continuously onto food, massaging it into the meat to produce moist, flavorful product every time.
Meat processors like the fact that the finished meat products weigh more than the original non vacuum tumbled products and that added weight is in the form of a liquid that will allow the moisture retention plus the reduced time frame required to marinate meat.
Vacuum tumbling marination
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