Marinating is a terrific basic kitchen technique. Marinade refers to a mixture of oil, spice, acids and similar ingredients, in which meats are soaked in for some time in order to flavour or soften them.
Marination involves the immersion of meat in organic acid or salt solutions are a practical method of altering meat tenderness for many years.
Immersion consists of submerging the meat in the marinade and allowing the ingredients to penetrate the meat through diffusion with the passage of time. It makes marinade solution to be absorbed by the meat through diffusion mechanism. Marination adds flavor to foods and makes them tender by beginning the break down process of tissues of the meat.
Immersion meat can absorb water in the skin and surrounding fat during marination. Marination process not only improves tenderness but also increases juiciness of meat, due to the retention of added water. Uptake of marinade in immersion method is largely affected by the surface area contact with the marinade and the dipping time.
Immersion marination
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