Process of stewing

Stewing is a long, slow cooking method where food is cut into pieces and cooked in the minimum amount of liquid, water, stock or sauce. The food and the cooking liquid are served together. This cooking method is both economical and nutritional, cheaper cuts of meat and paltry which would be unsuitable for roasting and grilling can be made tender.

This is a slow method of cooking. The liquid is brought to boiling point and the heat is reduced to maintain simmering temperatures (82°C -90°C). The food above the liquid is cooked by the steam generated within the pan.

All stews have a thickened consistency. Stewed foods may be cooked
- in a covered pan on the stove;
- in a covered pan in the oven.

The advantages of stewing are the loss of nutrients is avoided as water used for cooking is not discarded. Stewing is also produced and applicable for increasing the flavour, texture and eating quality.

On the other hand, this process is time consuming and there is wastage of fuel.
Process of stewing

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